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Professor HongboLuo from Harvard Medical School Gave a Lecture in the College

Time:2017-09-25   Browse times:49

  On September 22nd, Dr. Hongbo Luo brought an entitled "Reactive oxygen species (ROS) in innate immunity (active oxygen in innate immunity)" academic lectures in the College of life sciences, Nankai University. Dr. Hongbo Luo is invited by Pro. Li Dengwen. Dr.Hongbo Luo received a bachelor's degree at Nankai University, and received his PhD from the Brandeis University, and now worked as an associate professor at the Department of Pathology and Lab Medicine pathology, Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital. His laboratory interested in the signal pathways mediating neutrophil directional movement and Neutrophil homeostasis under normal and inflammatory conditions. Many Staff of the College of Life Sciences and the graduated students attended the lecture.  

  In this lecture, Dr.Hongbo Luo, introduces one important work of his laboratory: the neutrophil phagocytosis of pathogenic bacteria invade the human body, and the role of chemokines in neutrophile migration to the site of infection or inflammation. In particular, the regulatory of the microfilament glutathionylation modification. Dr. Luo also introduced the importand development of this research. After the lecture, the participants of the scientific research discussed with Dr.Hongbo Luo, and searched the potential cooperation.